08 September 2009

New TV!

Its my birthday this Thursday (hooray!) and I got one present early - a new TV! This is the first thing we've bought for the house in a long, long time, and its the first thing we've really bought that is for the new place. The main reason we've avoided buying anything is that we haven't really thought it worthwhile when renting.

The TV is a 32 inch Samsung LCD 5 series (I think it's this one) for the bedroom, and it's friggin hot. I've had a tiny little one in there for ever that I bought years ago so that I could escape my parents in my bed room. It looks pretty much like this:
So far I've just been watching TV on it - we don't have a DVD player for the bed room yet, that's another purchase for another day. Suffice to say, I'm enjoying having FTA digital channels and HD channels in the bedroom - waking up to the ABC breakfast show on ABC2 is SO much better than Kochie (the goddamn smugtron 5000) and Mel on Sunrise.

Development Application update

I checked the ACT Planning site yesterday, and the planning documents are no longer up there. Does this mean the application has been finalised? Maybe. Do I have any way to know for sure? Probably not.

At any rate, I checked the site on the weekend, and there has still not been any progress. It's not even fenced off.
