01 May 2010

House update!

This evening we finally managed to find the site unmanned and got to jump the fence and see the progress inside! I've got a few pictures, although the low light didn't result in totally great shots.

Here's the front of the house and the entry way. Eventually the gaps that you can see in the first picture above the porch and the garage will be filled in with a kind of beige coloured cladding, as will all of the areas above windows around the rest of the building. You can also see that the roof above the porch has a couple of bits of wood supporting it, and the permanent supports are all wonky. This is because the concrete bases for the permanent supports haven't been installed yet - for some reason they do them about the same time as they put the gyprock up on the inside. I have no idea why.

Here's the living room and the kitchen. No real big changes since the last post on the house, apart from the wall behind the wooden frame. One exception to this is the little wooden frame where the fridge will go, which also gives an approximate position for where the kitchen counter will be. You can see that on the right in both of the pictures above. One other thing that has changed, but you can't really see in this picture is that one of the dodgy bits of work on the wooden frame in what will be the pantry cupboard has now been fixed. Yay!

We have a bath! No interior walls yet, but we have a bath. I do rather enjoy that you can look straight out of the window while you bathe.

Along with a lot of other wiring, they've also installed the ducted gas heating in the roof. At the moment it looks like giant silver intestines hanging out of the roof cavity. With the wiring in place, we can get an idea of where the power points, aerial sockets etc are; they were left off the original plans. Thankfully they all seem to be where we'd want them - specifically the aerial and power sockets fit where I want to put the TVs. 

Dana took the opportunity to measure up the windows for curtains. She's always thinking ahead. At least that's what she says, I think she just likes the idea of curtain shopping. 

These were piled up in our garage. Roughly half the other units on site have got some of the internal walls up, so here's hoping ours will be up soon as well!.

And here's the proof - this is the living room of the unit two doors down. It has the same plan as us, but for a few more windows in the south side of the building. It was really weird going into someone else's house. It gets more weird to go in the other houses the closer the get to completion and actually start looking like homes.

Here's their bath!

It's been weeks since we last made it onto site, and it could be weeks more before we get on there again. There's so much happening on site right now, hopefully it won't be too long.

PS: late night TV is pretty terrible. No wonder people choose to download TV rather than watch the crap that's actually broadcast....

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