15 June 2010

ABSOLUTE GENIUS!!!1!1!!eleven

The frequency of posts on here is getting rather low due to the new job - I actually turn the majority of posts out during my lunch time or other quiet periods at work, so being really busy taking new things on puts a real restriction on it.

Anyway, we had a "site visit" over the weekend and I do have lots more to say about the house, but I just don't have enough time to post it properly now. I'll get on to it when I have the time and inclination. For now, I leave you with a video that a mate forwarded on today.

It combines two of my favourite things - Streetfighter and white trash TV. Enjoy.


  1. Best Streetfighter dance... EVER

  2. You reckon we could request it up in tha club?

  3. I've got so many gadgets in the farken house now its not funny. Just got a new uber lappy supplied from work (they love me!), ps3, bose ipod deck.... i sat down last night to figure out where to start and ended up picking up my book lol! Anyway, in short... enough shite here now to start my own club so can stream that all Saturday night woot!

  4. Tell you what, I'll bring the streetfigher 2 album over on my phone or some shit.
