The first would be in the "probably not" category - the artwork of Shawn Smith - which was featured on Engadget Alt recently.
The two pieces pictured above are "Gemsbock" and "Re-kindling". I encourage you to check out some more of his work at his website. Shawn created these three dimensional versions of pixel art, which I've always rather enjoyed. I may even have blogged about it at some stage. Anyway, they look excellent. They seem to be mostly made of small painted wooden blocks.
The second item I was lusting after this morning is an AV receiver and some decent speakers. This are firmly on the list of things to buy when we move into the new place. I haven't really made a choice yet, and there are ongoing discussions with Dana about the aesthetic nature of such a purchase (she thinks they're ugly, whereas I think they're beautiful), but we'll get there in the end. Speaking of Dana, she's discovered the magic of RSS feeds and is now subscribed to this blog. Hi Dana!
Anyway, at the moment, I really like the options from Yamaha.
The last is a very groovy t-shirt from Etsy store Happy Family featured on gizmodoAU (if memory serves me correctly, anyway) called "Robot and Triceratops.
Two mortal enemies, together at last. Not really much more to say on that one.
To round what has been a thoroughly nerdy post out, here's a rendition of the Tetris theme on bottles....
PS: I totally forgot to mention, the Fonzy and the Shark Jumpers, my netball team, had an epic victory last night. We are also pioneering a special move I like to call "the Shark Jump" where you do a cross between a star jump and an epileptic fit in front of the opposition if they get the ball. Go the Jumpers!
Ha ha that 0rsm. I should probably post about this, but you know me and blogs... I used to live for game endings as a kid, grinding games for hours to say I had 'clocked' them. This video is a good summation of my early years and the frustration of days/weeks/months of dedicated gameplay to see endings: Impossible Mission Ending - best game ending ever - I actually clocked this game and it's sequal on the C64 as a sprout, showing my age now :(