23 November 2009

Week 2 of construction - more fence and a bigger pile of dirt

I visited the site again on Saturday, and not a lot has really changed. More top soil has been removed, with different areas leveled off to different heights to account for some minor slope on the lot. The pile of dirt in the middle is bigger. I've also noticed a few amenities being added around the site, like a portaloo and a tap. Now the builders can be a little more comfortable on site!

Here is the newly gravelled entry way. As you can see, the main pile of dirt is bigger than before.

The view from over the road. Get used to this view, as I'm sure it will be harder to get on site when they start closing the front gate over the weekends. You may also see that there is a second pile of dirt in effect. Riveting stuff!

The site now has all mod cons.

Our lot from the inside. Note the proximity of the portaloo.

Dana putting up with me taking lots of pictures of dirt. You can just see her patience beginning to ebb in this picture.

Not hugely exciting progress in the grand scheme of things, but better than no progress at all. I'm quite chuffed to be able to see progress for two weeks in a row after such a long time waiting for the DA to be approved. Hopefully there will be some more interesting reading next week.

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