14 May 2010

Frash Metal Friday...

It hasn't been quite as busy today, but I'm feeling pretty brain dead regardless. This has made the banter of the next section over more of an annoyance than usual, so I've had my headphones in all day trying to avoid them.

The best part of this is that I spent most of the arvo listening to the best of Black Sabbath. I went through a huge stage of listening to Sabbath a lot last year, but remarkably, have never really got particularly sick of it. That's a bit of strange thing for me, because I often tire of music quickly - I can never stand to have a CD sit in a player for more than one play through at a time. I always thought that was pretty normal (why would you want to listen to the same tracks again if you've just heard them?!), but Dana feels differently. If she had her way, the CD in the car player would never change.

Anyway, this brings me to my favourite track of the afternoon's listening: Turn Up the Night. When this started playing it was one of those rare unplanned moments where the music fits your mood and situation perfectly and you can't help by smile. This time round, it was the completion of a tricky document I had been working on that did it for me.

Here it is:

Now for something completely different: Big L - Ebonics. A1++ wordplay, would trade again.

Ahhh yeah. Knock off can't come round soon enough.

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