21 May 2010

Schwarzanegger Friday

This demands posting - prepare youreself for 10 minutes of Schwarzanegger glory.

I only wish they'd included a horse or camel punch in there...

Props to Patto for forwarding this on (and less props for the Age for showing it to him.

PS: have just about finished experimenting with twitterfeed. I'm going with a partial implementation - while it's good to have automated posting, I don't think everything I post on this is worth spamming on fb. Twitter I don't really give a shit about, so that will take it all.

Edit: Matthew, I hope you are reading this. MATTHEW MATTHEW MATTHEW!


  1. this makes me want to watch conan! and many other awesome action movies.

    ps fuck true lies was good
    pps hell yeah camel punch

  2. That vid is that greatest thing I've ever seen.
    The sequel has the camel punch:

  3. If I have a choice between your faith and my Glock 9mm, I'll take my Glock.
