11 February 2010


I've spent the last half hour or so listening to Helmet while I wait for Dana to finish work so we can walk home (I'm only still waiting because its her birthday) and I've been rather enjoying it. It's the first time I've actually given them a listen, despite them being recommended to me a couple of times over the past few years.

I've been listening to their 1994 album "Betty" (see above for the cover art). The laid back weight of it has suited my mood perfectly, and has been an excellent accompaniment to my procrastination.

The above is "Wilma's Rainbow", the first track from Betty. Good stuff. And for a bonus, check out the below video of "Gigantor"!

I didn't actually find "Gigantor" a totally awesome listen, but the video is pretty amusing. I'm a fan of giant robots where ever I can get them.

On the subject of music, I really need to get some more on my work computer. The choices are pretty much Kyuss, Karnivool, a single Soundgarden album (not Superunknown, unfortuantely) and half of the White Album. I have no idea what happened to the other half. I need something that's all bass and beats!

Edit: So it turns out Dana isn't even at work - she's been out at some meeting and is going straight home. That's pretty much an hour wasted, if it wasn't for new music. I'll call it a draw.


  1. YESSSSSS HELMET ROCK. Tell Dana I said happy birthday! also.. two weeks maaafucka

  2. Heh, they were definately worth the listen. I have also brought a thumbdrive-load of new music to stimulate the mind while I'm doing some boring work. Currently on rotation - Anatomy. Can't go past the ones like caltee.

    Now I have to review and edit the newbie's work. Must resist urge to re-write it completely....
