22 February 2010

No time to post properly...

I'm only working three days this week as I'll be in Melbourne next week. Combined with Parliament sitting, things are pretty hectic at work, so I don't really have time to post with the time and love you all deserve. Instead, here's some planning for Melbs, peppered with youtube vids.

Plans for Melbourne are fairly sketchy, but based around gigs I'd hope to hit, it goes roughly something like this:
  • Thursday night my man DOS4GW is playing a gig at Bar Open in Fitzroy. Should be all skittles and beer, check out this bandcamp page for a listen of his last album. 

  • Friday night Hugo seems keen to catch Gaslamp Killer, which I'm A-OK with.

Edit: after some youtube-ing, GLK is a little confusing. All the tracks that are by him on the youtube are very laid back funky things (ref "Degasse" below), but all the live stuff I can find is filthy dubstep. I'm not sure which I prefer more - they're both awesome. I'm really looking forward to this now!

Second edit: OK, found this dodgy quality youtube vid of a set he did for a BBC Radio 1 gig. Looks like it's a little form column A, a little from column B. Sweet.

  • Saturday night, I was planning a civilized catch up with some friends, hopefully followed by some ridiculous bassline business by the man like Dom and Roland (a slight warning on the background music on that link - too loud). I haven't been to a decent (or even a single) drum and bass gig in a while, and I'm really looking forward to it. The latest Dom and Roland album rocks pretty hard. Check out the clip below - "Jungle Beast" for a bit of a taste.

That's just about it in terms of gigs that I want to hit. I'm really looking forward to being in a town where there are excellent gigs on every weekend! Canberra does get some OK stuff, but its few and far between, and I end up going to Sydney to catch lots of stuff. Anyway, I'd better get back to work, there is too much stuff to do!

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